The Crystal Bottles


Carry a jar full of crystal healing magic with you to call in whatever you are seeking 🔮.

💓 Tiny crystal chip jars 40mm x 18mm in size 💓

✨ Packaged in reusable organza bag, with crystal healing benefits card

Available in the below crystals:

✨Kunzite - Promotes positive & loving thoughts within your mind. Cultivates self-love & self-acceptance. Keeps you centered emotionally and spiritually.

✨Pink Opal - Well suited for very sensitive, loving people – or those who are in need of healing a wounded heart. Brings a sense of love, peace, and tranquility to the aura.

✨Clear Quartz - clears your mind & body of any stagnant energy, brings clarity of mind, enhances manifestation powers & amplifies the energy of other crystals.

✨ Tigers Eye - Balances your solar plexus chakra which brings you the confidence to be your best, most authentic self. Replaces fear & anxiety with courage & confidence. Transforms toxic feelings into positive ones. Assists with perspective shifts, seeing obstacles as challenges instead of setbacks!

✨Amazonite - Aids in understanding your personal truth and better communicating that truth to others. This understanding of self, where your senses are too in tune with your surroundings – allows you to feel most connected to yourself. For better communication with others, it helps with non-verbal expression, soothing aggravation, emotional trauma and easing irritation.

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Carry a jar full of crystal healing magic with you to call in whatever you are seeking 🔮.

💓 Tiny crystal chip jars 40mm x 18mm in size 💓

✨ Packaged in reusable organza bag, with crystal healing benefits card

Available in the below crystals:

✨Kunzite - Promotes positive & loving thoughts within your mind. Cultivates self-love & self-acceptance. Keeps you centered emotionally and spiritually.

✨Pink Opal - Well suited for very sensitive, loving people – or those who are in need of healing a wounded heart. Brings a sense of love, peace, and tranquility to the aura.

✨Clear Quartz - clears your mind & body of any stagnant energy, brings clarity of mind, enhances manifestation powers & amplifies the energy of other crystals.

✨ Tigers Eye - Balances your solar plexus chakra which brings you the confidence to be your best, most authentic self. Replaces fear & anxiety with courage & confidence. Transforms toxic feelings into positive ones. Assists with perspective shifts, seeing obstacles as challenges instead of setbacks!

✨Amazonite - Aids in understanding your personal truth and better communicating that truth to others. This understanding of self, where your senses are too in tune with your surroundings – allows you to feel most connected to yourself. For better communication with others, it helps with non-verbal expression, soothing aggravation, emotional trauma and easing irritation.

Carry a jar full of crystal healing magic with you to call in whatever you are seeking 🔮.

💓 Tiny crystal chip jars 40mm x 18mm in size 💓

✨ Packaged in reusable organza bag, with crystal healing benefits card

Available in the below crystals:

✨Kunzite - Promotes positive & loving thoughts within your mind. Cultivates self-love & self-acceptance. Keeps you centered emotionally and spiritually.

✨Pink Opal - Well suited for very sensitive, loving people – or those who are in need of healing a wounded heart. Brings a sense of love, peace, and tranquility to the aura.

✨Clear Quartz - clears your mind & body of any stagnant energy, brings clarity of mind, enhances manifestation powers & amplifies the energy of other crystals.

✨ Tigers Eye - Balances your solar plexus chakra which brings you the confidence to be your best, most authentic self. Replaces fear & anxiety with courage & confidence. Transforms toxic feelings into positive ones. Assists with perspective shifts, seeing obstacles as challenges instead of setbacks!

✨Amazonite - Aids in understanding your personal truth and better communicating that truth to others. This understanding of self, where your senses are too in tune with your surroundings – allows you to feel most connected to yourself. For better communication with others, it helps with non-verbal expression, soothing aggravation, emotional trauma and easing irritation.